To submit a poem/story to be considered as an addition to In Praise Of The Horse, include the text in the body of your e-mail, do not send as a separate attachment.
Type "Poem Submission" or "In Praise Of The Horse" in the subject line of your e-mail so that it isn't accidently deleted as spam.
Mail to
Your submission must have a title and author. If you are the author, include your first and last name. Without title and author, it cannot be included. If you are contributing someone else's work, be sure to credit the author. If you are the author of a selection on this site (and can verify authorship) and you prefer to have your work removed, just let me know.
In Praise of The Horse does not include photos of your horse. It's about the written word only. That's why I also created Hoofprints On My Heart, a memorial tribute site that does accept a photo of your heavenly horse.
Understand that this is a sharing site. That means your work(s) could be taken from this site and appear on other websites, be passed around or otherwise distributed. If you are not comfortable with this, please do not submit anything.
Please note: I have received submissions that were not written by the person claiming to be the author. This is illegal. I usually catch this plagerism and if I miss it, a reader always finds it, so it's not worth the risk to you to steal someone else's work.
Submissions are chosen based on their representation of the equine/human bond.
I update In Praise Of The Horse about 3 times a year.
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