Arab/Quarter Horse
21 years old |
Date of Passing: August 17, 2009
Dear Watcher,
I thought we had a deal...I was supposed to die first! Even if I needed to die at a young age, I was okay with it. Just so I didn't have to say goodbye to you.
When I first saw you, you were in the sick pen...just because you had a bit of a cold. I picked you anyway because you were so darn cute! I remember going out to catch you for the first time...I could never have imagined then forming the kind of bond that we ended up having over thirteen years.
We have been through so much together, covered so many miles, and seen so many new places. No matter what other horses I had you were always my favourite, and if they picked on you they had to go. And you knew you had me wrapped around your hoof too!
I have so many great memories of you and I. Like when we were just getting to know each other and we went out chasing Draft only barely made a horse at 14 hands 2 inches...and when all those huge horses ran by us we were both freaked! I was afraid to let you run cause I didn't know if you would stop. But once I dropped your reins I never doubted you again...we caught up to those horses, no problem!
You were one of a kind...the only horse I know that loves tuna fish sandwiches...and is easier to bribe with a candy wrapper then grain. There's a place in my heart where you will be forever and I will compare all other horses I ever meet to you. I know they'll never measure up were just too amazing.
You were my best friend. Even after that time I knew the saddle was loose but was too lazy to get off and tighten it and we were going down a hill and around a corner and you went up the side so you were on an angle. I was trying so hard to get the saddle back centered, even though it was already on your side pretty much...I didn't let go until my butt was about a foot from the ground and you just stood there...looking straight ahead...not making any eye contact, just moving your ear slightly. I just had to laugh!!! You totally did it on purpose!!!
I can't wait to see you again good friend, I know you'll be watching over me until I get there.
Love you forever and remember you always,